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  • Office Hours Sat - Wed : 8:00 - 4:00
About Treatment


Bunion surgery, also known as bunionectomy or hallux valgus correction surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to correct a bunion. A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe, causing it to deviate outward and the joint to become misaligned.


Bunion surgery aims to alleviate pain, improve the alignment of the big toe, and restore proper foot function. The specific surgical technique used depends on the severity of the bunion and other factors, such as the patient's age, activity level, and overall foot structure. Some common bunion surgery procedures include:

  • Bunionectomy: This procedure involves removing the bony prominence or bump at the base of the big toe joint. The surgeon may also realign the soft tissues, ligaments, and tendons surrounding the joint.
  • Osteotomy: In an osteotomy, the surgeon cuts and repositions the bones of the foot to realign the joint. This may involve removing a wedge-shaped piece of bone or making a V-shaped cut to correct the deformity.
  • Arthrodesis: Arthrodesis, or fusion, involves removing the damaged joint surfaces and permanently fusing the bones of the big toe joint together. This procedure is usually reserved for severe cases or when other techniques are not appropriate.
  • Exostectomy: In an exostectomy, the surgeon removes only the bony bump but does not realign the joint. This procedure may be suitable for patients with mild bunions and minimal deformity.