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Foot and ankle injuries in seasoned players

It is no brainer that sports are physical activities, and when things get physical, there is a possibility of one suffering from an injury. Overuse and acute sprain and strain injuries are the most common ones. An overuse injury may occur from excessive wear and tear of the body, especially in areas subject to repeated activity. The major joints of the body like ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist joints are subjected to overuse injuries. A strain injury is where fibers in a muscle or tendon tear as a result of overstretching. A sprain injury involves the overstretching and tearing of ligaments. Thus, the main of these injuries can be kept at bay by suitable conditioning, sufficient warm-up, wearing appropriate footwear and using correct techniques.

An overuse injury may occur from excessive wear and tear of the body, especially in areas subject to repeated activity